About OddSymptoms.com

Trusted information on most health and medical topics can be easily found online — thanks to websites like WebMD, Healthline, Mayo Clinic, and others. However, there are many rarely-talked-about topics that none of these websites have addressed. These include weird or rare symptoms, the health effects of specific foods, drinks, etc., and a lot more. And unfortunately, most of the information available online about these topics cannot be trusted, as they are either downright wrong, or they’re from sources that are questionable — at best.

Odd Symptoms was created to bridge that gap.

We are providing trustworthy and evidence-based information on health and medical topics that are, for whatever reasons, not covered by authoritative online health/medical publications. And make the information quite easy to understand, so you can be enlightened enough to make well-informed health/medical decisions for yourself and others.

In presenting information on our website, we try to simplify complex medical topics and statements as much as possible, as well as avoid unnecessary jargon. This is so that you can relate well to the information, understand every aspect of it, and confidently take due action without going wrong. More importantly, we ensure that all the information published on the website is well-researched and updated as when due. So, if you are looking for evidence-based, expert-backed details on rarely discussed health and medical topics, we have you covered.

Our practice is to address total well-being and help you connect your health to every other aspect of your lifestyle (“whole person health”). We understand quite well, that health and lifestyle experiences are different for everyone, so we strive for inclusiveness and empathy as much as possible.

Our mission

To become the web’s most trusted source of rarely discussed health and medical information.

Our content creation process & team

The health/medical information on Odd Symptoms is researched, created, thoroughly reviewed for correctness, and fact-checked for accuracy by an editorial team of qualified health and medical writers and seasoned medical practitioners. The team is committed to creating quality content based on research-backed evidence as well as real-life professional experiences.

We do our best to provide detailed, honest, unbiased, and comprehensive guidance as well as actionable steps. And when necessary we consult third-party seasoned medical experts to get more insights on certain topics.

Our references, sources, and citations

We have absolutely zero tolerance for wrong, biased, or unproven health/medical information. So, we have strict information-sourcing guidelines and rely heavily on peer-reviewed medical research studies, academic/medical research institutions, and government-backed medical and health agencies, as research-oriented health/medical online publications.

Each article published on the Odd Symptoms website is thoroughly researched, and the sources are double-checked for recency, relevance, objectivity, and authoritativeness. We try to link to our sources within each article.

Staying current

Our editorial team constantly monitors the health and medical atmosphere as well as relevant literature, and we duly update our content when new or more accurate information is made available. We have set a maintenance schedule for our content, but, sometimes, updates are also necessitated by new medical findings, new clinical guidelines, and reader concerns/feedback.

Whenever a reader alerts us about a potential flaw or misrepresentation of information in our content, we act immediately verifying and researching the feedback and checking to see if revisions are required before republishing the updated content.

Our style and voice

Because we always strive to simplify complex topics, we adopt a writing style that is simple, clear, accurate, inclusive, and empathetic. We use positive and persuasive language that inspires action and hope — while clearly disclosing not-so-pleasant details worth knowing, too. And we are always cautious in our choice of words, to avoid stigmas and rather empower the reader.

Your feedback is welcome

We are determined to give you the best in terms of user experience. So, we are eager to hear from you about aspects where we could do better. So, if you have any questions or comments about our content or our operations in general, feel free to let us know. You can reach us by clicking HERE.